
C#.NET Programming Full Course in 5 days

Please Call/Whatsapp 96503505 for more details.



More Info

Node JS is an open source cross-platform for easily building fast and scalable network applications. It is a non-blocking, I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

Course Name Duration Entry Requirement Fee (SGD)
NODE JS Full Package 30 hrs Basic Knowledge of JavaScript and OOPS S$1250

For alternate time slots, please call 63360244/96503505

Course Content

Module 1: Introducing to Node JS
  • JavaScript Refresher
  • Introduction to Node JS
  • Node JS architecture
  • How the Web works
  • Advantages of Node JS
  • Traditional Web Server Mode
  • Install Node.JS on Windows
  • Creation of Node Server
  • Node JS architecture
  • Working in REPL
  • Node JS Console
  • Requests and responses
  • Node Systems
Module 2: Node JS and Package Manager
  • Workflows and Debuggingli>
  • Package installations and Updates
  • Errors
  • Functions
  • Buffer
  • NPM
  • Types
  • Cores
  • Locals
  • .Exports
Module 3: Express JS
  • Introduction to Express JS
  • Installations
  • Middleware's
  • Different routes, requests
  • Express router
  • 404 Error page
  • Filtering path
  • Creation of html webpages
  • Serving HTML pages
  • Helper Function
  • Statics Files
Module 4: File System
  • Fs.readFile
  • Writing a File
  • Writing a file asynchronously
  • Opening a file
  • Deleting a file
  • Other IO Operations
Module 5: Dynamic Contents, Templates And Mvc
  • Managing Data (without DB)
  • Template Engine
  • Jade
  • Vash
  • Render Dynamic Content in our View
  • Understanding Template Engines
  • Model view controller
  • Adding controllers
  • Storing Data files via models
  • Events
  • Dynamic routes and advanced Models
Module 6: Debugging Node JS Application
  • Core Node JS debugger
  • Debugging with Visual Studio
Module 7: Storing Data In Database
  • Different kinds of Databases
  • Sql with NoSQL
  • Using SQL in nodeJS App
  • Connection Databases
  • Database Operations
  • Sequelize(Detailed )
  • Working with Non-SQL Using MongoDB
  • MongoDB Operations
  • Working Mongoose
  • Using mongoose in node JS App
Module 8: Authentications, Sessions And Cookies
  • Sessions and Cookies
  • Using Sessions and Cookies
  • Storing and Using Creditionals
  • Protecting Routes
  • Encrypting passwords
  • CSRF attacks, protections
  • Sending Mails
  • Advanced Authentication and Authorizations
  • Reseting Passwords, Authorizations, Token Logics
Module 9: Forms, User Input And Validations
  • Validations
  • Custom Validators
  • More validators
  • Async Validations
  • Keeping User Inputs
  • Error Handling(Detailed)
  • File Uploads
  • Filtering Files
  • Storing Fiels in DB
  • Serving Images Statically
  • Download files with Authentications
  • File type Headers
  • Restricting, Streaming and Deleting,
  • Genarating Pdf files
  • Paginations
Module 10: Asyc Requests And Payments
  • Async Requests
  • Adding Client Side JS codes
  • Manipulating the DOM
  • Payment working
  • Adding Checkout
  • Stripe in Your App
Module 11: Rest API
  • What are REST APIs and why do we use Them
  • Accessing Data with REST APIs
  • Understanding Routing  HTTP Methods
  • REST APIs - The Core Principles
  • Creating our REST API Project  Implementing the Route Setup
  • Sending Requests  Responses and Working with Postman
  • REST APIs Clients  CORS Errors
  • Sending POST Requests
  • Working with REST APIs in Practical Application

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Course Name Duration Entry Requirement Fee (SGD)
NODE JS Full Package 30 hrs Basic Knowledge of JavaScript and OOPS S$1250
Time Slot
Please call 63360244/96503505
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We also provides flexible timing to meet the customer's requirement

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